Periodically, we’re asked to work on a peculiar existing residence. We generally take on these opportunities, as they usually result in remarkable designs which would never have been possible without the specific histories these buildings reflect, peculiar though they may be. In the case of the Brier Residence, the building we were presented with had experienced at least 4 remodels in its history. It was apparent that the original building was quite small and only developed at the street level. The site is extremely steep below this original building and the areas below, originally structure only, were subsequently developed over time for living space. The result was a vertical arrangement of disparate areas, illogically organized. We reworked the exterior and interior of the volume to create a vertically developed plan that was logically organized and took advantage of the volume created over time, re-establishing it’s early modern heritage.
1733 s. La Cienega Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. 90035
(310) 280-0193